Choral Evensong exploring the music of Charles Wood

Evensong 6:00 Sunday 18 July
Evensong in St Mary Bradoc is a tiny fragment of something else; it is a part of the worship which is offered to God by Christian people every hour of the day and night, in every part of the world.
The second lesson maybe read by a lector from our companion church of the Transfiguration in Braddock Heights, Maryland, USA. This is a result of the ‘Saints Way’ initiative by Bishop Philip to set up warm and meaningful international links.
When you come to Evensong here, it is as if you were dropping in on a conversation already in progress — a conversation between God and Gods people which began on this site over 1,400 years ago, long before we were born, and which will continue long after the end of our lives. So, do not be surprised or disturbed if there are some things which you do not understand straight away. For an hour, you step into the continual stream of worship which is being offered today and which will be offered to the end of time. You are one with those who worship here on earth and in heaven.
Our evensongs are taken from the Book of Common Prayer and feature the music of some of the great cathedral choirs

Charles Wood (15 June 1866 – 12 July 1926) was an Irish composer and teacher; his pupils included Ralph Vaughan Williams at Cambridge and Herbert Howells at the Royal College of Music. He is primarily remembered and performed as an Anglican church music composer, but he has also written some very fine songs and chamber music, particularly for string quartet.
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